Round Pond Schoolhouse Association
1426 State Route 32 Round Pond, ME 04564
1426 State Route 32 Round Pond, ME 04564
Elizabeth Martone, James Martel, and Carisa Salerno
If you're interested in becoming a member of the RPSA, please click here to print & fill out our membership form. Please mail your application along with your payment here: Round Pond Schoolhouse Association - PO Box 205, Round Pond, ME 04564
Restoration of the schoolhouse has largely been done by volunteers, with donations and membership covering the cost of professional help, where needed. There are many tasks still to come, both skilled and unskilled, and we welcome all volunteers. We are activating the Museum Committee for setting up, collecting and collating. A Program Committee is being formed. Volunteers for all these activities are welcomed. For questions on volunteering, or ideas of work needed doing, please call Norm Rice, our Vice President at 529-2008.
A not-for-profit corporation, October 24th, 2007
Click here to review our bylaws